This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of Knowledge Management and
Job Satisfaction on the performance Telkomsel Cooperative Employees (KISEL) of South
Jakarta. The results of this study prove that the role of human resources in the organization is
important for the survival and development of the organization.
The method used is quantitative, respondents' answers to questionnaires related to
Knowledge Management and Job Satisfaction on the Performance Telkomsel Cooperative
Employees (KISEL) of South Jakarta on average provide an overview that the observed
variables show things that are already good. From the results of the processing of the
questionnaire, it is known that from a total of 30 respondents. The questionnaire was made
using a Likert scale. The analysis technique used includes multiple regression test,
correlation test, determination test, partial hypothesis testing and simultaneous hypothesis
testing and coefficient of determination test using SPSS 25. The results show that partially
and simultaneously Knowledge Management and job satisfaction have a significant effect on
Employee Performance Telkomsel Cooperative (KISEL) South Jakarta.
Full Text:
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