Dining Tiyas


This study aims to determine the influence of leadership style and organizational culture on the performance of employees of the Directorate of LP3I Jakarta.

Problem formulation (1). Does the leadership style have a significant effect on the Employee Performance of the Directorate of LP3I Jakarta, (2) Does the organizational culture have a significant effect on the Employee Performance of the Directorate of LP3I Jakarta and (3) Does the leadership style and organizational culture influence the Employee Performance of the Directorate of LP3I Jakarta. The research method used is descriptive quantitative, population and sample are employees of the Directorate of LP3I Jakarta. While statistical analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis.

The results of calculations using SPSS software for Windows Version 23. Obtained Employee performance = 44,317 + 0,201X1 + 0,251X2 means that if there is no leadership style and organizational culture, the performance of the Employees is 44,317 points. Furthermore, the partial test results show that the leadership style variables have a significant effect on the Employee Performance of the Directorate of LP3I Jakarta, this is evidenced by the results of the t test with tcount1 = 2.037. (p <0.05), organizational culture has a significant effect on the Employee Performance of the Directorate of LP3I Jakarta, as evidenced by the results of the t test with tcount2 = 2.326. (p <0.05) and simultaneously through the F test obtained Fcount = 7.753 (p <0.05).

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